Tetrao urogallus – Capercaillie
Planned for October 2020, so this is: Waiting for Tetrao…
Tetrao urogallus has looked into the eyes of the aurochs way back when.
More recently the Frollein has been making eyes at him…
Tetrao urogallus, what a name for a bird, very theatrical!
So the girl up and went to explore the world of Tetrao all over the place, in the Alps, Austria, Black Forest, even in Sweden, Italy, you name it she’s been there, done it, got the t-shirt.
And just as hard as these birds are trying to survive this Anthropocene, the Frollein is trying to help them do just that.
Again she is accompanied by passionate scientists and seasoned lovers of Tetrao urogallus to find her way into the World Tetrao urogallus. Those ancient birds with their strange courtship, their majestic walk and a fascinating digestion system to boost are right up the Frollein alley.
Action movies were shot in Lapland staring female birds performing daring escape stunts and one lucky catch with Kitty Hen playing the lead. She now resides in the Babbener heathland in Saxony.
Frollein Life at its best. With deep scene insights and precious encounters. All the marvels of a life in science to be had. Broaden your horizons with Frollein Brehm’s Life of Animals.