
Frollein Brehms Life of Animals offers also voucher for shows at the Natur-Park Schöneberger Südgelände Berlin and at the Waldhaus Freiburg (Breisgau).

You can order vouchers via email info@brehms-tierleben.com or our booking form Buchungsformular.

Voucher number one:
One performance of your choice for one adult.
Price: 12,50 Euro

Voucher number two:
One performance of your choice for one family. It already pays of with two adults and one child.
Price: 30,00 Euro

Voucher number three:
One performance of your choice for a child or teenager.
Price: 6,00 Euro

The vouchers will be sent to you via postal mail. Within Germany we pay the postage. For mailings abroad franking will be charged additionally.