Frollein Brehm’s Life of Animals needed a proper hat, so Stephan Lux and Barbara Geiger funded the non-profit organisation Frollein Brehm’s Life of Animals Trust in 2011.
First four endeavours were devoted to the four big predators that live in Europe, Canis lupus – The Wolf, Lynx lynx – The Lynx, Ursus arctos – The Bear and Felis silvestris silvestris – The Wild Cat.
Followed by slightly smaller creatures like Lumbricus terrestris – The Earthworm and Hymenoptera – The wild Bees.
Phocoena phocoena – The Harbour Porpoise and Clupea harengus – The Herring made for some very fine watery experiences. Thanks to the support of the Bingo Foundations of Schleswig Holstein and Mecklenburg Vorpommern.
To say nothing of the airy expedition that were to be had with Hirundo rustica – The Barn Swallow and Luscinia – The Nightingale, The Thrush. Africa called to make the Frollein understand the meaning of the word „home“.
And because everything has everything to do with everything, the most logical choice for the Frollein to continue were Bos primigenius taurus – The Cow, Sus scrofa – The Pig und Gallus gallus – The Chicken. These wonderful creatures are most defining when it comes to the well being of this planet. The productions were made possible through the support of the Heinrich Böll Foundation and Neuguss, Thank you!
Tetrao urogallus – The Capercaille was supposed to appear on stage in 2020. Let’s put it that way: Waiting for Capercaille… to be continued as soon as there is a way to go on stage again.
The production was made possible through the support of Bayerische Landesamts für Umwelt and capercaille experts in Baden Württemberg.
Frollein Brehm’s Life of Animals is the only theatre in the World that stages scientific plays about endemic endangered species. The Frollein bridges the gap between scientific findings and the interested public.
Coming up: Frollein is going digital! We are aiming to produce special Frollein modules in addition to the plays that can be used in schools, professional schools, polytechnics and universities.
New plays are already in planning, the most extravagant definitely being Margaritifera margaritifera – The Freshwater Perl Mussel inseparably linked with the Salmo trutta fario – The River Trout. It is going to be an expedition of the third kind, good luck to the biologists that want to make the Frollein embark on this journey.
Also on the horizon: Lutra lutra – Eurasian Otter and Oenanthe oenanthe – The Northern Wheatear.
Frollein’s plans with Gorilla gorilla diehli – The Mountain Gorilla, Pan troglodytes ellioti – The Chimpanzee and Pongo pygmaeus – The Orang-Utan are put on ice for now, for obvious reasons… Still the Frollein isn’t giving up on these brothers and sisters, just yet!
Here’s to life and adventures and the secrets of our faunistic fellow earthlings, may we treasure and keep them living on this planet Earth.

Barbara Geiger studied drama at Richmond Drama School, London. On her return to Germany in 1993 she started her own theatre company with numerous productions, most memorable is her version of Brian McAvera’s play Picasso’s Women which she directed as a ficticious press conference of eight Picasso muses.
Barbara created the figure of Frollein Brehm in 2008 and is responsible for concept, research and writing of the scientifically based plays. Her plays have been translated into English, French, Italian, Slovenian and Hindi.
What an abundance of talent we can welcome with Frollein Rose Bijou Brehm aka Kseniia Kozhukhova, welcome!
Kseniia Kozhukhova trained at the Kyiv National I.K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University, Kyiv. Her credo: To speak in order to make the world a better place, so that the work awakens in the audience that secret, hidden, which they cannot see with their eyes: an inner, sacred, some kind of divine world that life does not allow them to see, and which can be revealed with the help of metaphor, paradox, poetics and visual symbols.
Lydia Starkulla studied drama at the „Theaterwerkstatt“ in Berlin. Her stage performances include appearances at the Orphtheater, the Sophiensaelen, the Neuköllner Oper, the Theater 89 and the Maxim-Gorki-Studio. She has been a wonderful Frollein since 2011, going by the name of Leopoldina Emilia Brehm. Her long artistic cooperation with Barbara Geiger goes back to 2004 for the production of Picasso’s Women.
Dafne-Maria Fiedler, actress and coach, studied in Berlin and as been working with Barbara Geiger since 2010 for the renowned production of Picasso’s Women. Turning herself into Frollein Elisabeth Aja Brehm is a natural and most fruitful result of their professional work. More information about Dafne you can find here: &
Daniela Zähl worked throughout Germany after finishing her drama school in Salzburg, Austria. For several years she worked at the Salzburg Theatre formerly known as Elisabeth Stage. Since 2014 she is Frollein Marilotte Sofie Brehm, holding a record of performing eleven of the thirteen plays written so far.
Magdalene Artelt studied at the Folkwang University of fine Art, formerly known as Westfälische Schauspielschule in Bochum. After her studies she performed at the Schauspielhaus Bochum and numerous theatres throughout Germany. She is now a Frollein in reserve and goes by the name of Paulina Charlotte Brehm.
Ina Gercke also a Frollein in reserve by the name of Frollein Albertina Pimpernella Brehm studied drama in Berlin. She has been working with the Hexenkessel Hoftheater since 2004. Her other talents include acrobatics, graphic design, and yoga. &
Lea Willkowsky studied at the Hochschule für Schauspielkunst „Ernst Busch“. Her engagements include the Potsdamer Hans Otto Theater and the Berliner Ballhaus Naunynstraße. In the Frollein World she is known as Frollein Franca Brehm.
Stephanie Krogmann studied at the Fritz-Kirchhoff-Schule in Berlin. Her passion always have been and always will be animals, which is a prime reason for turning herself into a Frollein. In 2016 she started to study biology at the FU Berlin. As Frollein Katinka Viktualia Brehm she unites her two passions in life perfectly
Tine Kiefl studied forestry before turning her passion for the theatre into her profession. She studied at the ADK Ulm and followed her heart. She is also founder of the Heyoka Theater Ulm and has been Frollein Fridoline Minerva Brehm since 2017.
Rahel Wölfle learned the trade at the E.T.I. (Europäisches Theaterinstitut) in Berlin. Since 2010 she has been working at the Theater „Harrys Depot“ in Freiburg. Spring 2018 she made her debut as Frollein Josefine Lobita Brehm.
Camilla Antoniotti studied acting in Milan, Italy. A renowned actress she also teaches at the Dedalo Theater School in Milan. She was the first of Italian Frolleins to be taken on and has performed Canis lupus – Il Lupo und Lumbricus terrestris – Il Lombrico as Signorina Greta Brehm.
Nicole Sartirani originally from Bergamo, Italy, studied at the La Sapienza Universität in Rome. She started to produce her own plays and theatre productions. In 2012 she founded Mikrokosmos Berlin, so it was only natural to become Signorina Erika Brehm with Hymenoptera – Api Selvatiche.
The Team that directs the Frolleins:
Anke Gregersen is a Frollein of many talents, theatre director, DiLeMa digital learning manageress and many more. In the middle of the Corona crisis she has reached out to Barbara Geiger and is guiding the company through the jungle of the digital new World.
Carsta Zimmermann, well known in Berlin theatre circles she is responsible to get new Frolleins started.
Andrea Gatzke
Organisation Team:
Biologist Stefanie Hofmann is lending her gifted hand to further the Frollein Brehm’s Life of Animals Trust. She is dealing with webside-carings and applications, her motivation being simply the love for the good cause, well done Stefanie, and thanks so much!
Stephan Lux, co-founder of the Frollein Brehm’s Life of Animals. In real life he is the head of the technical staff at the Theatre Freiburg. He is also a gifted sculptor and artist in his own right.
Antje Bartel studied graphic-design at Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee and at the Grafikskola Forum Malmö, Sweden. Since 2015 she has been the head designer of the Frollein look.
Maxi Strauch, studied camera at the Hochschule für Film und Fernsehen in Potsdam Babelsberg. In 2009 she has founded her own film production company and has been producing high class films for advertising and image film productions. She is once again behind the camera for the digital version of Frollein Brehm’s Life of Animals.
Hanna Zeckau, studied visual Arts at the Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee und an der Ecole des Arts décoratifs in Paris. Hanna has designed the Frollein brand!